Thursday, 26 September 2013

My Baby & Me - Month 5

Another massively busy month. Bit late with this again, but next month going to be back on track.
Now in my third week of college and so glad that I made the decision to go. Due to the timetable and living close by I only have to leave the baba for a few hours at a time. Have been getting up nice and early and doing some expressing first thing as that's when I'm most full, although because I'm not gone for long I've still been doing all his feeds.
Took part in the 'Baby Lab' at Birbeck University this month. We had a brilliant time. They paid for our taxi there and back and had so many toys to play with when we got there. The test was fun. He sat on my lap while they stroked his arm with a spoon or a hand to see if there was any difference in his brain activity. Afterwards they gave us a certificate and a little tee shirt.
What To Expect:
He has come such a long way this month! At the beginning of the month, when we had just got back from holiday, I was laying on the bed blowing raspberries at him, he was watching me with amazement, then, he started blowing them back at me! I could not stop laughing! It was the cutest thing ever!
Something which isn't so good is that he's learnt how to scream. I'm not talking about a crying scream. I'm talking about a high pitched scream, not because he's sad, just because he's learnt a new noise. Which is fine although the neighbours may think I'm murdering someone!
He has also sucked his thumb a few times and grabbed his feet.
The most amazing thing that has happened this month by far has to be the day he said 'dada'. Thursday 12th September, his first little word :-)
My Advice for the Fifth Month:
1: Don't feel guilty if you want to go back to work or study. Not only is it important for you to go out and do what you want to do, it's also good for the baby to not spend 24/7 with the same person all the time. Luckily I have family who look after the baby when I'm at college, and I think that little bit of time with someone else is good for him. It also makes you miss your baby so you give more attention to them when you are with them.
2: If you live close to a university do take part in any studies they may be doing. Not only will you be aiding in important research but it's also a great experience for your baby to get out and experience new things and meet new people.
3: Do get a bouncer. I have found it so helpful when I'm doing different things around the house. I hang his toys on there and he keeps himself entertained while I'm getting things done. It also tires him out being on his feet!

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Yummiest Rice

This recipe is so delicious & so quick & easy to prepare, especially if you've got some leftover plain rice.

All you need is:

Some cooked rice
Some butter
Some garlic butter mix
Some capers
A tomato
Lemon juice
Salt n pepper

Put a couple of tbsps of butter in a dish with a tbsp of garlic butter mix, melt on medium in the microwave for 1 minute and pour over the rice

Chop up the tomato into small chunks and sprinkle over the rice along with a tbsp of capers

Squirt over some lemon juice and finish with salt & pepper


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

My Baby & Me - Month 4

I have been so busy this month what with enjoying the summer & trying to get into college that I am a bit late with this post, but here it is!
Yes, I have decided to go to college, & I have got in! I have had the best 4 months chilling with my baby but now it is time to look to the future. The course is only 11 hours a week & if I want to achieve my goal I must start now as I am 25 already and time goes so fast. I would love to just stay with my baby but as I said, it's only 11 hours a week & he's going to be looked after by family. I am going to express milk every morning so he still gets my milk.
I have had the best summer filled with days in the park & plenty of family time. Baba has seen his first beach and met his great grand parents. He has also spent lots of quality time with his aunties & his granddad. Yep, really has been a great summer! :-)
What To Expect:
He has started sucking his fingers for comfort. He has rolled over onto his side a few times. His grip has got a lot stronger & now he is reaching out to try & get things without me encouraging him to do so. He loves grabbing things & the first thing he does is try to put it in his mouth! He is dribbling a lot when he is in an upright position which I have been told is due to teething.  
My Advice for the Fourth Month
1: Lifting your baby up and down in the air when you are laying down is not only a good workout for you but it also counts towards tummy time as it strengthens their whole body!
2: Take your baby to the seaside! The sights, the smells, the feel of sand on their skin will all be great experiences for your baby, & remember, every new sensation will help your baby learn.
3: Now's the time to really show off your gorgeous little baba! Now he's awake & alert more it's a great time to visit family & friends and it's brilliant for him to see new faces.